Wednesday, 20 January 2016

Cloudbusting and upcoming exhibition

I haven't blogged for a while, as I've been busy in the studio working on Cloudbusting, and this week I can confirm that alongside the Kickstarter relaunch, there will be an exhibition of selected prints from Cloudbusting at Wilgress Books in Lincoln.

This will be opened on Tuesday 2nd February, with a private view from 7.00p.m. to 9.00p.m, which means the Kickstarter campaign will be thereafter, hopefully Weds 3rd Feb. 

My frustration with the concept of the Red Arrows and the RAF, after the decision to bomb Syria, will be addressed in Cloudbusting, in the same way that Eric Drooker addressed various contemporary issues in Flood.
I wanted to follow the narrative to relocate it to Lincoln, to what is happening now. 
In Flood, there is a sequence of illustrations that take place in Coney Island, a rollercoaster leads to a circus parade, and a series of images depicting the history of the U.S. - colonialism, slavery, leading up to the modern city of New York. So I wanted to share the history of Lincoln, with it's obsession with the military depicted as a source of negativity overwhelming the true path to peace.

The truth is, that if the city flooded, RAF Scampton would be underwater, and the Red Arrows will be of no use. The planes would be grounded. 
So where does the narrative go from there??

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