Tuesday, 10 April 2018

Artist's Fair Waterside Shopping Centre

Who Ya Gonna Call?
In the days preparing for the Artist's Fair, I heard a crash in the night, and the following morning discovered all my prints upturned on the floor, and cards scattered - it must be a ghost!!

My stall set up

Normally I have a table provided, so it was a challenge to bring my own, as I don't drive. 

New card reader!
 Thanks to customers that paid by card! Yes! You can pay by card :-)

What's the point?!

Shout out to my next door neighbour!

#impvasion Lincoln Imps at Wembley
 Lincoln Imps were off to Wembley, so I made this!

Not just a card, a Helen Dearnley original illustration!
Free card for cheapskates that think £5 for a postcard print is expensive - here's a clue: original fine art postcards sell at £20 in most galleries.

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