Monday 21 May 2012

New work

I'm busy in the studio feeling inspired to create some new work, revisiting and updating my old blackbird theme.
Blackbirds formed an artist's book as part of my degree

This piece is from Wallace Stevens Thirteen Ways Of looking At A Blackbird

Among twenty snowy mountains,
The only moving thing
Was the eye of the blackbird.

However, the inspiration for the blackbird theme is more closely related to The Three Blackbirds of Rhiannon, and Stevie Nicks' project, from the original Fleetwood Mac song Rhiannon.

I posted this on Facebook and was invited to this exhibition by artist and curator Rosalind Davis so I hope to make it down to Margate to see it, and maybe the finished work will be for this gallery :-)

AOI Secret London - "Secret Cinema"
This illustration is for the AOI Secret London brief. It was based on the Secret Cinema. Not heard a thing about this yet. 

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